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馬來西亞廈門總商會於2016年11月獲得馬來西亞社團註冊局批准註冊,於2017年6月24日在馬來西亞首都吉隆玻舉行第一屆董事會就職典禮。廈門總商會的成立,得到大馬政府的高度重視。當晚的就職典禮,獲得馬來西亞交通部長,旅遊部長蒞臨祝福。 馬來西亞廈門總商會的成立,是以馬來西亞華人社會作為成立的基礎和大方向,它的成立,也更廣泛地聯繫和團結本地華僑、留學歸國,創業企業家、高科技人才及企業,社團,歸僑、僑眷、港澳台同胞中的企業家。 馬來西亞廈門總商會的宗旨,主要以誠信建立成為僑商搭建商貿的一個平台,圍繞馬中協同發展、“一帶一路”建設等,以“ 開拓、 創新、探索新思路、分享新發展 ”的理念,鼓勵和引導海外華僑, 華人專業人士和工商界人士回鄉創立民族偉業。
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Malaysian Mergers & Acquisitions Association
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Malaysian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (MVCA)
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The Malaysian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (MVCA) was formed in 1995. The organisation comprises leading and active players in the venture capital and private equity industry. Its mission is to promote and develop the venture capital and private equity industry in Malaysia, and advocates policies that enhance the environment for venture capital and private equity activities. It also serves as the authorised platform for members to express their views to policy makers in resolving issues and removing obstacles that impede the growth of the venture capital and private equity industry. Among others, the Association also strives to:
Activities of MVCA include:
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Myanmar Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MHKCCI) was jointly launched by a group of like-minded people who share a common goal of contributing to the development of the two economies in terms of trade and investment. They come from a variety of industries, including legal, insurance, private equity, trading, engineering, marine, logistics, hotel, property development, media, airline, and trade promotion organisation. Their nationalities are also international. The Chamber welcomes all people who have an interest in Hong Kong, and not limited to Hong Kong companies. Participation can be on a corporate or individual basis. The Chamber would achieve its objectives by actively making recommendations to governments of Myanmar and Hong Kong on improving laws and regulations that would facilitate trade and investment, by means of setting up industry-specific working groups, and contributing research. The Chamber would organise seminars on topical issues and networking events. In addition, the Chamber would welcome incoming business missions from Hong Kong and establish connections with other Hong Kong business associations worldwide to bring opportunities to members The Chamber would also provide tangible support to members who would like to do business with or through Hong Kong, such as access to Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s world class trade events in Hong Kong.
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New Zealand China Trade Association |
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Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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The Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an entrepreneurial organization with the objective of promoting business. As a body incorporated under public law with a statutory contract, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry represents the concerns of the entire industry in a balanced environment.
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